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Luxury House


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Why Choose
Premier Window Tinting?

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As a certified Flexfilm partner, we offer films in a variety of shades so you can choose exactly how your windows look and how much light enters your home.

-Filters Out 99.9% of UV Rays That Cause Fading

-Filters Out 97% of The Infrared Rays That Cause 'Hot Spots' in Your Home

-30% Average energy cost reduction

Modern Office Building

Residential & Commercial

Schedule a Free Consultation Today

Getting Started with Premier Window Tinting

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Step 1

Call Premier today and receive your free estimate.

Step 2

Select a day and time that will work for you.

Step 3

Let us transform your property.

Schedule a Free Consultation Today

Which One's Right for You?

Our specialist will help you choose the perfect tint to protect your furnishings, floors, and artwork from the harsh rays of the sun.

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